Inquiry Blog

What Should I Have On My Blog?

Test Blog Post:



Inquiry Blog Post One:

Inquiry Question Assignment:

You will be writing a 2-page (500 word) invention piece based on the following questions:
1. Describe the topic or general area of writing that you want to “inquire” into.
2. Why have you chosen this area or topic?
3. What personal knowledge or experience do you have with this topic? Be specific. (If you don’t have any personal knowledge or experience, then say that.)
4. What interests you about this area or topic?
5. What do you already know, or think you know, about this topic?
6. What do you need to know more about? Where will you go to find information specifically?
7. How did you come up with this topic as an area of focus?
8. What questions do you have about this topic?
9. If there are multiple angles to your topic, or ways of thinking about your topic, note what these may be.
10. In the form of a question, state a first-draft version of your Inquiry Question. Remember that good questions begin with words like “How…” or “Why…” or “What happens when . . .” You don’t want an Inquiry Question that may be answered with a “yes” or “no.” This question should appear at the end of your assignment and set apart as block text.


Inquiry Blog Post Two:

This post is all about your informal research/working knowledge development (aka, Blog Post Two). For this post, I am envisioning a wide variety of sources including websites that are popular and websites that are scholarly. You should have videos, images, links to articles, links to websites. Then, you should have some sort of commentary on everything that you have posted (could be 1-2 sentences) on each item. Remember that more is always better--even if you don't end up using it in your final argumentative paper, it is helping you develop a general understanding and working knowledge.


Inquiry Blog Post Three: 

IP Research Proposal:

 You may create whatever document you would like to convey this information (essayistic, presentation, glogster, etc.), but you should make sure that your research proposal covers the following:
  • Your finalized Inquiry Question
  • Research sub-questions or Sub-Areas of Study
  • Important Key Terms and People in the Field
  • The story behind your interest in this question
  • Your working knowledge of this topic (look at the topic in the news, media, online, etc.)
  • Possible research methodologies—where and how will you gather information?
  • Possible audiences—who would be vested in your research?
You should gather information from your original Inquiry Question Assignment as well as your Inquiry Blog to build from for this proposal.


Inquiry Blog Post Four:

Reaction to IRP Presentation and Five Comments:

The next blog post is a reaction to your working knowledge presentation. I would like for you to post a 150+ word post on your reaction to the presentation. Did you get any new ideas, how are you feeling about the project, do you think that you have an argument?
Once you have posted, then I want you to comment on at least FIVE other people's blogs. You could comment on either Blog Post Two or the Presentation Reaction. However, I want you to help them in the direction of their project. Do you know of some resource that they could check out or give them something new to think about?


Inquiry Blog Post Five:

Annotated Bibliography:

What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography gives an account of the research that has been done on a given topic. Like any bibliography, an annotated bibliography is an alphabetical list of research sources. In addition to bibliographic data, an annotated bibliography provides a concise summary of each source and some assessment of its value or relevance. Depending on your assignment, an annotated bibliography may be one stage in a larger research project, or it may be an independent project standing on its own.

Please keep in mind that expectations of what is required in annotated bibliographies vary; therefore, it is difficult to give a specific word/count formula for you to follow as a writer. As with all writing assignments, you need to consider the rhetorical situation that is created by the assignment and determine what it is that the professor wants. For this particular annotated bibliography, I would like for you to have the sources in alphabetical order (standard) and summarize AND evaluate each source. The length of the summary may be different for some of you, but you want to go for approximately five sentences. For the evaluation, try to write four or more sentences for each source. Each entry should be between 200-300 words (remember this is an approximation). You need to have a total of at LEAST four sources (two of which must be academic in nature). Please remember that this project is based on what you need, so there is no magical source number—I am giving you a base number, but it is up to you to determine what is appropriate.


Inquiry Blog Post Six:

Inquiry Project Final Draft


Inquiry Blog Post Seven:

Overall Reflection on the Inquiry Project and Blog


Random Stuff to Be Sure to Have:

Introduction to your blog and your picture. You should be following everyone in the class. You should have a design layout that is representative of you.

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